Got some questions? We are here to help you!

Here you can find quick answers to the most frequently asked questions by other users.

This page was created to help you immediately find the information you may need without having to write or call us.

Start by reading through the help so you can easily find most of the answers to your questions, which may come to your mind regarding our services.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to help you further.

To display your own website in the Applify app, you must do the following:

  1. Open the Applify Console page
  2. Set homepage URL
  3. (Optional) Set the menu items
  4. Finalize the settings by clicking the Save button
  5. Share your unique QR code / Link with your friends

Yes, and it will be forever!

We built the Applify Platform to be limitless.
If you need additional functions, contact us at email address, and we will discuss the details.

I cannot find the answer to my question

Do you want us to get in contact with you? Give us Your Email address.

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